Thursday, February 7, 2008

Hello there reader, I'm wondering about the general stats of my readers... would you help me learn?

I'm wondering what city and country you are in,
How old you are,
Male of female,
If you have your own musclecar, race car, motorbike, show car, or something similar...
How you found this blog,
How often you check back to see what new stuff I've posted,
What you prefer to look for here, news, photos, the oddball stuff, links to other websites I liked, etc
What you liked most that I posted,
Whether you looked at all the stuff I've posted since Nov 2006...
What your 5 (or so) favorite automotive blogs or websites are

My email is if you will fill me in. I'm curious is all, the cool little map widget on this blog in the upper right hand corner shows us where people are looking at this blog from, and how many (about 220 a day) and I'm wondering if this is accurate, and of course, about how many women vs men read my blog, etc etc.

Thanks for reading, I hope you keep enjoying what I find entertaining enough to post for you and my friends. Car show season will be starting about 8 weeks from now, and I'll be putting more photos and less links 'cause I'll have less time to surf the web for good stuff.


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