Wednesday, May 11, 2005

We’re on major geek sites - Hello World : )

Looks REAL

Just came back home, checked the blog and saw something strange – comments…
It seems that somehow somebody found out about our little project here and posted it on diffrent web sites (Slashdot among them - You can read it here )

As veteran geeks we’re extremely FLATTERED!

Wow, we were not expecting that, definitely not on this early stage.
We still have big plans and a lot of work – feel free to come back again and check the progress (usually we work on weekends)

We are building this project for FUN - learning more about cars, electronics and software.

Stage 2 will be all about hydraulics (we hope)

Due to bandwidth limitation - our video hosting site went down – sorry. we are trying to find a diffrent solution so you can get to see the action and hear the sounds.

We’re lucky we had most of the pics on Flickr.

Thanks for commenting , we appriciate your feedback and support.
For the sake of quick swift visitors I’ll reattach some milestone pics.

Drop off
Front cut1
RVC Steering
Speed Gauge electronics


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